Author - cahide

October 2021

Deep Democracy: A Powerful Approach To Resolve Tension And Conflict

Written By: Cahide Akkuzu Reading time: 6 minutes You can use disagreements and conflicts to improve your relationships! This argument was unreal to me until I learned about Deep Democracy. I, personally, have generally avoided conflict throughout my life, and have sought consensus in disagreements. Avoiding conflict often comes at a high cost, and sooner or [...]

July 2021

Adult Development Theory: How Can Leaders Grow As Adults? Part 2

Written By: Cahide Akkuzu Reading time: 6 minutes In Part 1 of this article, we looked at Robert Kegan’s Theory of Adult Development. Unfortunately, we saw that many adults have not developed beyond the socialized mind stage which includes adolescence characteristics. Becoming an ‘adult’ means that a person is developing an independent sense of self and [...]

April 2021

Adult Development Theory: How Can Leaders Grow As Adults? Part 1

Written By: Cahide Akkuzu Reading time: 6 minutes Robert Kegan, a renowned professor at Harvard University Graduate School of Education, has been studying adult learning and professional development for more than 30 years. His insights about the development of adults’ complex and multidimensional thinking capacity reveal the fact that 58% of American adults with college degrees [...]

March 2021

The Leadership Challenge: Digital Transformation

Written By: Cahide Akkuzu Reading time: 6 minutes I am continuing to write about leadership by addressing a very vital topic. Digital transformation has been one of the most critical initiatives of companies in recent years. There are many studies about the success rate of digital transformation initiatives. Unfortunately, all studies indicate that many of these [...]

January 2021

December 2020

How Can Leaders Take A Critical Look At Themselves? – Part 3

Written By: Cahide Akkuzu Reading time: approximately 6 minutes This is the last part of the series of articles about the willingness and capacity of leaders to critically question themselves. Part 1 of this series is about the importance that leaders critically question themselves in order to stay relevant and be effective while facing the challenges of [...]

October 2020

How Can Leaders Take A Critical Look At Themselves? – Part 2

Written By: Cahide Akkuzu Reading time: approximately 6 minutes In my previous article, I pointed towards the importance that leaders critically question themselves in order to stay relevant and be effective while facing the challenges of the modern world that we are living in. We looked at the adult development theory and the levels of mental [...]

August 2020

How Can Leaders Take A Critical Look At Themselves? – Part 1

Written By: Cahide Akkuzu Reading time: approximately 6 minutes I am receiving positive reaction to the articles that I have recently published in English. My first article is about the impact of implicit bias on the quality of decisions that we take as leaders. To read the article: ‘Implicit Bias: To What Degree Are Your Decisions [...]

July 2020

Inclusive Leadership – Creating Value Through Diversity

Written By: Cahide Akkuzu Reading time: approximately 6 minutes In my previous article, I wrote about “Implicit Bias” providing several examples, research findings and clues about how to become more aware of our own biases. You can read the previous article from this link: LİNK Today, I will continue to write about the topic of diversity and inclusion, [...]