October 2022

June 2022

May 2022

Do You Care About How Engaged Your Team Is? Part 1

Written by: Cahide Akkuzu Reading time: 7 minutes Many leaders see employee engagement as a top priority for their company. These leaders are aware of the clear link between employee engagement and business results. Here are a few striking statistics that support this link: A study by Deloitte found that companies with high employee engagement have a [...]

April 2022

February 2022

Mindset Of The Leader – Part 2

Written by: Cahide Akkuzu Reading time: 6 minutes I started Part 1 of this article by saying that your attitude towards yourself can be your biggest friend or your foe. Read Part 1 by clicking: https://www.contextprofessionals.com/en/mindset-of-the-leader-part-1/ Based on the research of Stanford professor Carol Dweck, I described two main attitudes that have a major impact on our success: [...]

January 2022

Mindset Of The Leader – Part 1

Written by: Cahide Akkuzu Reading time: 6 minutes Your attitude towards yourself can be your biggest friend or your foe. Carol Dweck, Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, is a leading researcher on motivation and mindsets. In her book ‘’Mindset: Changing The Way You Think To Fulfil Your Potential’’ she describes two different attitudes towards ourselves [...]

October 2021

Deep Democracy: A Powerful Approach To Resolve Tension And Conflict

Written By: Cahide Akkuzu Reading time: 6 minutes You can use disagreements and conflicts to improve your relationships! This argument was unreal to me until I learned about Deep Democracy. I, personally, have generally avoided conflict throughout my life, and have sought consensus in disagreements. Avoiding conflict often comes at a high cost, and sooner or [...]

July 2021

Adult Development Theory: How Can Leaders Grow As Adults? Part 2

Written By: Cahide Akkuzu Reading time: 6 minutes In Part 1 of this article, we looked at Robert Kegan’s Theory of Adult Development. Unfortunately, we saw that many adults have not developed beyond the socialized mind stage which includes adolescence characteristics. Becoming an ‘adult’ means that a person is developing an independent sense of self and [...]